At VERA Renewables we tailor our work to fit the unique needs of our clients, whether they be municipalities, private landowners, utility companies, government agencies, schools, or international developers.
Being highly skilled in execution of project activities, we ensure that project development work proceeds in an efficient and effective manner. Geographically, we are focused on New England projects, though we have applied our siting and property acquisition capabilities from West Virginia, New York through Maine. We have performed specific technical services, including photographic simulations, shadow flicker assessments, and energy production estimates, as far away as Wyoming and Texas.
Georgia Mountain Community Wind

Georgia Mountain Community Wind (GMCW) is a locally developed 10 MW 4-turbine project provides long-term, clean electricity and environmental benefits to Vermonters. It was constructed in 2012 by Jim Harrison of Georgia, VT, owner of Harrison Concrete Const. and Redi-Mix Corp., and David Blittersdorf of Williston, VT, CEO of AllEarth Renewables and founder of NRG Systems.
Granite Reliable Power

The Granite Reliable Power 99 MW wind project (33 turbines) has been operating since late 2011 in Coos County, New Hampshire. It is the largest operating wind project in New Hampshire.
Our Clients
AllEarth Renewables
Cornerstone Renewables
EDF Renewables/enXco
GE Energy
Georgia Mountain Community Wind, LLC
Green Mountain Power
Grandview Dairy Farm
Harrison Concrete Const. Inc. & Redi-Mix Corp.
Holyoke Gas and Electric
Horizon Wind Energy
Iberdrola (Avangrid) Renewables
MA Clean Energy Center
MA Municipal Wholesale Electric Company
Noble Environmental Power
Norwich Solar Technologies
Private Landowners
Resource Systems Group
Russell Municipal Light Department
Town of Becket, Massachusetts
Vermont Department of Public Service
Vermont Public Power Supply Authority
Holiday Hill Community Wind

This community-scale project in Russell, Massachusetts, is an excellent example of community wind power in action.
Solar Projects
VERA Renewables has worked with residents, business owners, and state departments to develop and permit solar projects across Vermont.
Read More About Our Solar Projects
Searsburg Wind and Deerfield Wind

The eleven 550 kW wind turbines that make up Searsburg's 6 MW wind plant provide enough emission-free electricity to supply 1,704 average Vermont households. In December of 2017, the 30 MW Deerfield Wind project was commissioned, providing enough power for an additional 14,000 Vermont houses.
Other Wind Projects
VERA Renewables has over 40 years of renewable energy experience, establishing itself as a leader in New England renewable energy development. VERA’s work has resulted in 250 MW of renewable energy capacity for our clients.
Read More About What We’ve Done