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Site Feasibility Assessment

Each renewable project presents developers with a unique set of challenges and benefits from conception through commissioning of the project.

VERA offers varying levels of feasibility analyses, each keyed to the phase of development in which we are working with our clients. 

In early stages of projects, a screening process or Site Assessment is performed that examines the key attributes of a conceptual project and identifies potential “fatal flaws” that need to be carefully considered and resolved prior to committing substantial investment to the development process. This “high-level” assessment usually involves a desktop review of the project’s key attributes, supplemented with field inspection, followed by a report with recommendations and a presentation with the projects’ owners.

For sites that pass the initial screening, a more comprehensive evaluation is performed through a Feasibility Analysis. This level of assessment is more detailed in all the key areas, with economic analysis, ecological surveys, wind or solar resource and other site and wind turbine-specific analyses performed. A Feasibility Analysis could include the installation of field measurement equipment and often represents the first opportunities for public exposure to the project. Therefore, the public outreach component is often implemented at this stage of the project.


VERA has many years of experience evaluating the feasibility of wind projects, ranging from preliminary "desktop" analyses to in-depth project resource studies. Our feasibility studies, whether high-level or comprehensive, characterize and evaluate the project in key areas such as:


  • Wind/solar resource characteristics

  • Property availability and setback issues

  • Site characteristics and  layout challenges

  • Accessibility, and constructability

  • Electrical interconnection feasibility

  • Environmental considerations

  • Transportation, airspace and safety concerns

  • Permitting processes and necessary approvals

  • Economic viability including costs, benefits, & financeability


In designing and performing feasibility work, we work closely and confidentially with our client to provide material consistent with their development objectives, and to design a hierarchical analysis in a low-risk, cost-effective manner.

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